3 Locations, 2 Events, 1 Day: usd Hackertag and usd Hacking Night 2024

30. October 2024

On Friday, October 25, 2024, it was time again: our events for hacking enthusiasts took place simultaneously at our three offices - Neu-Isenburg, Cologne and Munich. With a mixture of exchange, learning and competition, the usd Hackertag and the usd Hacking Night offered a platform for everyone who is interested in IT security and ethical hacking.

usd Hackertag

The day started with usd Hackertag, where our usd HeroLab pentesters and participants had an intensive exchange about vulnerabilities and hacking methods. The participants had the opportunity to further develop their hacking skills and test their abilities in pre-configured server environments.

usd Hacking Night

The evening got underway with the usd Hacking Night. Here, experienced hackers and young talents were able to compete in an exciting competition. During the CTF event, participants had to work in teams of three to find and exploit vulnerabilities of varying difficulty in specially prepared server environments - all provided by the usd PentestLab. Creativity, perseverance and teamwork were the focus as the teams battled it out for first place.

A special highlight was the relaxed atmosphere at the start, when the participants of both events got in the hacking mood with Mate, pizza and Tschunk and exchanged experiences from usd Hackertag. Congratulations once again to the winning teams!

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