Security Advisory 06/2021

Security Advisory 06/2021

The usd HeroLab pentesters identified vulnerabilities in products from Microsoft and RabbitMQ while conducting their security analyses. In close...

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Security Advisory 05/2021

Security Advisory 05/2021

The usd HeroLab pentesters identified vulnerabilities in products from VMWare and Bitdefender while conducting their security analyses. In close...

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Security Advisory 04/2021

Security Advisory 04/2021

The usd HeroLab pentesters identified a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 while conducting their security analysis. The disclosure of...

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Security Advisory 03/2021

Security Advisory 03/2021

The usd HeroLab pentesters identified a vulnerability in Check Point’s Identity Agent for Microsoft Windows while conducting their security...

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Security Advisory 02/2021

Security Advisory 02/2021

During security analyses usd HeroLab penetration testers have identified two vulnerabilites in the online shop management system Zen Cart and in a...

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