More Security in Healthcare: POLAVIS GmbH Submits Web Application for Pentest by usd AG

13. July 2023

POLAVIS develops and implements digital patient portals and innovative eHealth solutions for hospitals. This supports the networking of healthcare stakeholders and the consistent integration of the patient.

The Hospital Future Act (Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz, KHZG) promotes the digitalization of the healthcare system. POLAVIS offers suitable patient portals that cover all requirements on the way to the hospital of the future as a platform solution. The sustainable success is based on experience from many completed implementation projects, the extensive knowledge of clinical structures and on a clearly thought-out software, which permanently convinces customers in the daily hospital routine in all aspects.

The patient portal processes highly sensitive patient information by providing, accessing and managing health data. Due to the high protection requirements of the data, POLAVIS ordered a check of their web application for security-relevant vulnerabilities by the security analysts of the usd HeroLab. The security analysts conducted a penetration test, or short pentest, from the perspective of a patient and a hospital employee. By identifying possible entry gates for attackers and subsequent recommendations for the implementation of suitable protective measures, usd helped POLAVIS to increase the IT security level.

Farid Kanbari, Managing Director at POLAVIS, and his colleagues take IT security very seriously: "As a manufacturer of modern eHealth solutions, we promote the digitalization of healthcare. This is an important step towards improving the quality of care for all patients. However, it is extremely important for us and our customers that our solutions maintain the best possible level of security. usd supported us in achieving this goal in a very structured and efficient manner right from the start. We would like to thank usd for the excellent cooperation and competent advice."

Philipp Santos de Oliveira, Senior Consultant at usd HeroLab, led the Pentest project and summarizes positively as well: "The project with POLAVIS was important for me, because it allowed us as usd together with POLAVIS to make a valuable contribution to the protection of digital patient data throughout Germany. The cooperation with Mr. Kanbari and his team was extremely pleasant and professional. We are looking forward to supporting POLAVIS with our mission "more security" in the future."


POLAVIS was founded to bring together a great understanding of clinical workflows and a clear vision of how to optimize and digitize them with the right technology. Today, POLAVIS develops and implements digital patient portals and innovative eHealth solutions for hospitals. The focus is on patient satisfaction as well as process optimization and revenue assurance for hospitals. The sustainable success is based on experience from many completed implementation projects, the extensive knowledge of clinical structures and on a clearly thought-out software, which permanently convinces customers in the daily hospital routine in all aspects.

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