usd PCI Best Practice Workshop 2021

14. October 2021

For many years, the usd PCI Best Practice Workshop has brought together responsible PCI personnel from companies of all sizes and from all industries to discuss current topics from the world of payment card industry together with PCI experts from usd. The interactive nature of the workshop is perfect to not only examine the topic together from a technical perspective, but to share experiences and best practices.

"In more recent years, we've seen a lot of transformation and change in our customers' IT infrastructures”, explains Jan Kemper, Head of Security Audits at usd AG and experienced PCI QSA. “A migration to the cloud or the implementation of a microservice architecture are just two examples. These technologies bring great benefits, but also have an impact on the PCI DSS scope of the affected companies. Therefore, we have chosen this issue as the focus topic for this year's usd PCI Best Practice Workshop."

The online workshop will start with keynote presentations in which our experienced QSAs will provide a technical introduction to the workshop topic, looking at specific implications for PCI DSS requirements. Afterwards, the hosted panel discussion will provide an opportunity to go deeper into practical use cases and best practices and to ask questions.

Interest in the usd PCI Best Practice Workshop is growing - with our international customers now also across national borders. Therefore, we are very pleased that we will offer a workshop in English for the first time this year.


Language: English
Date: 16 November 2021
Place/Location: Online
Time: 14:00 – 16:30 Uhr
Participation Fee: 149,- Euro net per person

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