Our Pentest Professionals at usd HeroLab love open source software as much as anyone. However, it should be secure as well. This is why Christian...
Pentests & Security Analyses
How do I evaluate the offer and quality of a pentest provider?
Nowadays, increasing numbers of security standards and norms require companies to conduct regular penetration tests (pentests for short). For...
Technical Security Analysis and Penetration Testing: usd AG Visits Technical University of Munich for Guest Lecture
On May 22, 2023, Matthias Göhring, Head of usd HeroLab, gave a guest lecture on the topic of technical security analyses and pentesting at TUM as...
How Do I Become a Penetration Tester?
Are you passionate about IT security and are wondering how you can get started in a career as a pentester or penetration tester? Matthias Göhring,...
Single Sign-on: Usage. Risks. Tips for more Security.
Companies can benefit from the use of Single Sign-on (SSO), but it also entails many risks. Gerbert Roitburd, Senior Consultant at usd HeroLab and...
How to Efficiently Manage the Results of Technical Security Analyses
IT infrastructures are becoming ever more complex, threats ever more critical. Hence, it is crucial for companies to have a comprehensive overview...
Security Scan and Pentest: What are the Differences?
A proactive protection against hacker attacks is essential, especially for systems and applications that are accessible from the Internet. A...
SAP Pentest: Identify the Gateways in your SAP Environment in Time
Businesses of all sizes and in all industries use SAP software, and it has become an indispensable part of day-to-day business. SAP system...
Red Teaming - A Controlled Stress Test for Your Company
During the Red Team Assesment, our security experts evaluate the resilience of your security organization against a cyber attack under real-life...
Next Level Reporting: Our New Test Report Ensures Transparent and Comprehensible Pentest Results
A meaningful result is an essential part of a thorough security analysis. The majority of pentest result reports focus on the identified...
35 Vulnerabilities Discovered in Open Source Software: Hacker Contest Successfully Concluded
In the winter semester 2021/2022, the popular course "Hacker Contest" was again held at the Technical University (TU) Darmstadt. This year, the...
usd HeroLab Top 5 Vulnerabilities 2020: SMB 1.0 & SMB Signing
During penetration tests our security analysts repeatedly uncover gateways in IT systems and applications that pose significant risks to corporate...